Wednesday, December 12, 2018

5 Tips for Storing Anti-Diabetic Medical Supplies and Medications

Sun exposure and extreme heat can affect your blood sugar level and overall health when you have diabetes. They make your medications, and blood glucose testing strips lose its efficiency quickly. Diabeticmedical supplies are sensitive to heat and need extra care in the summer season. So you need to make sure that you store your medicines and supplies correctly.
Diabetic Medical Supplies Online
For the testing strips and medicines that are at room temperature, the advised temperature is 15 to 30-degree Celsius. For those medicines that need refrigeration, like insulin, the temperature range is 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. Although the blood glucose meters can withstand a high temperature, the meters that have multiple strips in the form of a testing disc or testing drum needs similar temperature as that of the testing strips.

1. If your home is getting extra hot in summers, buy diabeticmedical supplies online and keep all your medications in a cool place. Store gel packs in the fridge and make sure you replace it with the fresh ones when they are not cool. Buy an ice pack for your diabetic supplies even at your home too because they will help you when there is no power.

2. To prevent glucose monitor or insulin pump from falling off in scorching heat, use a liquid adhesive to make sure that these essential devices stick to your body and avoid any emergency situation.

3. While travelling on the plane, it’s a good idea to carry your medications with you rather than storing them in your checked luggage. Global travelers can now move with their medicines and supplies with pharmacy labels attached more easily via custom checkpoints. If you have extra insulin that needs refrigeration, you can hunt for the airlines that offer in-flight refrigeration facilities for medicines. You can even store the gel packs inside a tiny cooler. If you are on a long trip, ask any crew member to refresh the temperature of gel packs. Avoid storing them against ice because it may reduce the temperature too much and allow them to freeze.

Diabetic Medical Supplies Online
4. In case you need insulin injections, keep your testing strips and insulin cool. You can even buy insulin wallets or portable cooler pack online as they are quite handy and protective. The cooler pack fills water inside and keeps insulin at the correct temperature for near about two days.

5. If you are travelling via car on a hot day, avoid storing your diabetic medication like insulin in the glove or trunk because it may get less effective or may not work correctly at all and this may change your blood sugar unexpectedly. Instead, keep them with you inside the car but not for a long time. When there is a need of refrigeration, plug-in 12-volt fridge into your vehicle.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

How to Cut Cost on Your Diabetes Medical Supplies and Drugs?

diabetic medical supplies online
The person with diabetes has more health care expenses in comparison to those who do not have. It is because this disease is not about your blood sugar, but it can also affect your feet, kidneys, heart and other organs. It means that more you care of yourself, the more money you save.

1. Shop Online

You can cut the cost of the prescriptions by shopping for diabetic medical supplies online. Today you will quickly find many illegal pharmacies online, so make sure that you choose the reputed one like 8. You can verify whether the company is legitimate or not by using and PharmacyChecker let you scan the credentials of the online pharmacies and also compare the rates on-the-go.

2. Ask for Samples

Many agencies that serve diabetic supplies and other drugs provide free of cost samples of their products. Take this sample with you when you go to your educator or physician. Check out the American Diabetes Association website to know about the upcoming Diabetes Expos, where you can get free classes, health screenings, and samples. You can even contact the supply agency directly for the samples.

3. Hunt for Prescription Assistance Programs

Diabetic medical supply manufacturers sometimes sponsor the prescription assistance programs that help to lower the rates of supplies and medicines. Even if your health insurance does not offer the drug coverage, the Together Rx Access and Partnership for Prescription Assistance program do.

4. Look Out for the Coupons and Special Deals

Besides getting advice for the local drug store/pharmacy or flyers, always check if the store publishes a free of cost monthly or seasonal health magazine. It is because they may feature discount coupons. Look for the different stores including big-box department stores, for the reasonable prices on both store-brand and generic products. While buying diabetic medical supplies online, compare the items to make sure that you are getting the right deal.

5. Do Not Buy Specialty Diabetic Products

Instead of buying the Specialty Diabetic Products, try to make balanced meals with the whole and fresh foods to stay healthy. This trick will help you save money. When you pick foods, always select sugar-free or low-sugar foods. Just note that the products like sugar-free cookies and beverages that are marked as diabetes-friendly are the processed foods. They also cost you high.

6. Join Non-Profit Groups

Contact groups that support health. For example, you can join Lions Clubs International and Kiwanis International Clubs. Kiwanis clubs offer a variety of health care programs for the kids. However, the Lions Clubs mainly organizes several programs that help to control diabetes and prevent vision problems.